作家紹介 Artist Profile

代表 和田喜洋 Representative: Yoshihiro Wada

昭和17年1月15日、九州 福岡市博多区西浜町2丁目(現在の築港本町)に生れ、和田木材3代目。

Born on January 15, 1942, in Nishihama-machi 2-chome, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City (present-day Chikko Honmachi), Kyushu, Japan, he is the third generation of Wada Lumber.
Entered the world of wood carving under sculptor Manjiro Kawakami.
Trained under him in everything from general carving to Western carving.

彫刻師の活動 Activities of a Sculptor


In 1998, the company changed its name to “Carving Wood Wada Co., Ltd.”, specializing in carving materials and carving classes, with over 1,000 wood carving students to date.

*  平成14年   7月20日    博多伝統手職人連盟会員となる。
July 20, 2002: Became a member of the Hakata Federation of Traditional Handicraftsmen.

*  平成19年 11月 3日    福岡市技能功労者となる。
Nov. 3, 2007: Awarded Fukuoka City Technical Merit Award.

*  平成21年 11月20日    福岡県技能功労者となる。
November 20, 2009: Awarded Fukuoka Prefecture Technical Merit Award.

*  平成28年 12月 6   博多マイスターに認定される
November 20, 2009: Awarded Fukuoka Prefecture Technical Merit Award

*  和田彫刻所を展開する。(木彫刻看板の制作)
Develop Wada Engraving Works. (Production of carved wooden signs)

2代目 和田喜昭 Yoshiaki Wada 2nd generation

1994年 ㈱ホームセンター和田(現 ㈱彫ウッド和田)で勤めながら木彫刻に目覚める
以降 父喜洋(県技能功労者)に従事し個展を2年に1度開催

When his father was a lumber merchant, he became familiar with wood as a child and naturally began to create woodwork.
In 1994, while working at Home Center Wada (now Hori Wood Wada Co., Ltd.), he became interested in wood carving.
Since then, he has been working for his father, Kiyo (who is a distinguished craftsman of the prefecture), and holds a solo exhibition once every two years.
Held an exhibition of students’ works at the Fukuoka City Art Museum (once every two years) to promote the development of wood carving.

彫刻家としての活動 Activities as a Sculptor

2010 40回 日彫展 入選       作品名 『 父 』
2010 40th Japan Sculpture Exhibition. Title: “Father

2011 41回 日彫展 入選       作品名 『 爽 』
2011 41th Japan Sculpture Exhibition. Title: Title: “Sou

2011 43回 日展   初入選       作品名 『 風 』
2011 43th Japan Fine Art Exhibition. Title: “Wind

2012 42回 日彫展 会友推挙      作品名 『 母 』
2011 43th Japan Sculpture Exhibition. Title: “Mother

2014   44回 日彫展           作品名 『 悠 』

2014 改組新 第1回 日展       作品名 『 確 信 』
2014 Newly reorganized 1st Nitten.Title: “Confidence

2015    改組新 第2回 日展       作品名 『 道 』
2015 Newly reorganized 1st Nitten.Title: “The Road

〜ひとこと〜 a few words


I often see the word “professional,” but I don’t understand it, because it gives me an image of dourness or nobility.
I don’t really understand it.
However, we must always think about improving our skills.
As long as I have a classroom, I will try to share all the things I have been doing and learning.
I want to share all the things I have been doing and learning.
If I can create my own form with nature, if I can make people feel at ease
I would be very happy.